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Saint Camillus International University of Health and Medical Sciences

Saint Camillus International University of Health and Medical Sciences

Saint Camillus International University of Health and Medical Sciences


UniCamillus is the International Medical University of Rome with the higher percentage of international students

The university is specifically aimed at young people from all over the world.

UniCamillus welcomes students from all over the world and trains them to become physicians or health professionals versatile and focused also on diseases of underprivileged countries.

For this reason the University is addressed particularly to EU and non-EU students who show a humanitarian, scientific and professional interest in the health problems affecting especially the Developing countries.

UniCamillus graduates will always bear in mind the humanitarian values acquired during the course of studies, especially the dignity of the patient, considered as a human being with his own sensitivity. The University is secular and welcomes students of all faiths.

The mission of the University is inspired by Camillus De Lellis: at the end of the 16th century he contributed substantially to defining criteria and organization of an efficient healthcare system, by drawing up and implementing the first modern procedure of hospital care, establishing the basic principles of respect and dignity of the patient.

Our Philosophy

University exclusively dedicated to Health and Medical Sciences

Qualifications issued

The qualifications issued by UniCamillus are valid throughout the whole EU

Key Of Success

The University is already listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools

Campus Features

Healthcare Facilities for internships

In agreement with the Regione Lazio, UniCamillus chose ASL Roma 6 as the reference hospital for students internships, which includes suitable hospital facilities for the implementation of the integration between assistance, teaching and research, including the Ospedale dei Castelli. Following the updating of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Regione Lazio published in the BUR n.104 suppl.2 of 27 December 2019, the San Giovanni Addolorata, San Camillo-Forlanini, Sant’Eugenio, Pertini and CTO Hospitals were added, thus creating an extraordinary training network for practical exercises available to the University.


    • Rome

      Via di Sant'Alessandro,8, 00131, Rome
