Fundación Universitaria Internacional de La Rioja - UNIR Colombia
We are a higher education institution, organized as a non-profit entity, constituted under the laws of the Republic of Colombia. We have legal status recognized by the Ministry of National Education of Colombia, through Resolution No. 13130 of July 7, 2017. The Founders are the International University of La Rioja, SA (entity of Spanish nationality) and Unir Rioja Colombia SAS (entity of Colombian nationality). One of the most important milestones in our history was obtaining the first qualified registration for the Computer Engineering career, achieved on September 21, 2017. That is, the license that the MEN grants to a Higher Education program when it is shown that meets the necessary quality conditions. This meant the educational debut of the International University Foundation of La Rioja, although it was later followed by the qualified records of all our careers and specializations.
Our goal is to enable access to university studies to anyone in the country. We have a special sensitivity to attend to those who, due to various circumstances, cannot access face-to-face centers, or those who, being able to do so, prefer to opt for more open and innovative solutions that emerging technologies open up on the Internet.
- Bogotá
Calle 100 No. 19-61 piso 8º, Bogotá – Colombia, , Bogotá